Butterfly in the Sky… Please Visit My Yard

Terra cotta drip tray filled with water, rocks and sand

Convincing butterflies to visit your yard and stay a while can be a challenge. You might see them flitting through the trees, soaring up and down, occasionally stopping for a bit of nectar before cruising on to…? Where are they going? They have to hang out somewhere, right?

To understand how to make a haven for butterflies in your yard, you first have to understand what they are looking for.

Grow Food, Not Lawns

Cranberry Hibiscus blossom

Have you ever considered where the food you buy at the store comes from? My lunch today had more stamps on it’s passport than I do! Chile, Mexico, Australia, California, Columbia… Guess what? We live in a climate similar to these areas and can grow many of the same crops right here in Pinellas County. What…? You’re not a farmer? You don’t have massive acreage or tractors? You don’t need them.